How to Get Rich Instantly – By Upgrading Your Business and Personal Relationships! (Part 3)
Image source: Kimson Doan @kimsondoan
In Part 1 of this series, we talked about ‘Leverage’ – how to 10X your success by becoming more productive and efficient – getting more done by doing less.
And in Part 2 of this series, we talked about my colleague Hugo and gaining perspective and appreciating what you have and how a positive mental attitude can open up doors and opportunities that were previously difficult to see.
Let’s get to Part 3.
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Last Sunday, I attended my dear friend David’s son’s wedding in Jersey City. Beautiful.
I arrived at the hall and paused to think for a moment.
As the bride and groom walked down the aisle and exchanged vows, emotion swept over me and I realized that friendship is. . .
One of the most important blessings in life.
Friends carry us through. They make us better than we are – help bring out the best in us and become a better version of ourselves.
At that moment, I vowed to be an even better friend to those I care about.
What about you?
In the end, aside from our health and family our friends make our world sing.
David and I had been friends for over 35 years. What an amazing friend he’s been. He really helped me when I was getting divorced. And he was there for me when my Uncle faced serious business troubles. And more. . .
I have several other friendships that span 25 or 30 years too.
Me? I look to my friends to support me, provide input and advice. I do my best to do the same for them.
Most certainly, over time you have grown and evolved. And possibly, what you want and need in a friend or partner may have changed over time.
When I was getting divorced, I was Lost. Challenges were chasing me from all sides.
It was amazing how many of my friends and family members supported me – and I am not talking about giving me money. Although a few friends did treat me to dinner every so often. And one woman lent me a few thousand dollars, which I repaid in full! They carried me through.
I had to regroup and chart a new course.
This meant assessing and reassessing my career and the people in my life.
And that led me to expanding my relationships with some people and shrinking or exiting my relationship with some others.
Divorce is a cataclysmic event. Or, perhaps divorce is the final breach and the cataclysmic event is actually the realization that the person you chose to be your life partner is in fact not and won’t fly.
As we move through life and select the people to share the journey, we must be selective and discerning.
The same concept morphs into the workplace too. Although it’s not always so easy to swap out colleagues at work.
Do you have a collaborative supervisor?
Or a combative one?
How about clients and customers?
Let me share two true stories about clients:
Don – we’re in the process of ejecting him. He’s a perennial complainer. Nothing ever works right for him.
For this consulting project, we charge fixed fees.
Needless to say, Don owes us money. What else should we expect.
Last week, we called him again, asking him to pay up. He replied, “I know I owe you money, but if you do a little more work, I’ll initiate payment.”
There’s more to the story, but who needs this!
Goodbye Don.
And then there’s Billy. . .
We met five or six years ago.
At his request, we spent a fair amount of time scoping out a consulting project.
Then he disappeared.
Eighteen months later, he resurfaced and asked us for assistance on a project. We introduced him to a contact of ours. But, he never followed up with my contact or me. Waste of time.
Six or seven months passed. Then, a few weeks ago he reemerged and asked me to schedule a call so we could discuss yet a new consulting project. He had emailed me that he was ready to hire us.
So, we scheduled a call for a Tuesday. Thirty minutes before our call, he emailed and said something popped up and he had to postpone.
We set a Teams meeting for a few days later – that Friday. He suggested the time. At the appointed time, I started the Teams call.
Billy was a no show. No email, no text, nothing. It’s been two weeks and I still haven’t heard from him. Crazy.
If he reaches out again, I will politely decline and say, “On several occasions now, we have started conversations that never advanced. This back and forth is challenging for us because it takes up our time. I don’t think we are a good match.”
Negative relationships like this consume time, create negative energy and distract us from productive clients and projects.
Goodbye Don! Goodbye Billy!
While it doesn’t make it healthy or right, sometimes we have to accept this unhealthy and sometimes toxic treatment, at least for a while, especially in the workplace.
BUT to truly succeed and soar, we have to shed negativity. We must block it. Send it away. And replace it with good stuff, positive inputs.
Albert Einstein said, “It takes seven inputs to correct a negative thought.”
If naysayers and other negative types throw negative thoughts and inputs your way, take note.
Look to distance yourself from them and move in a different direction.
Put up the walls – your boundaries.
And actress Gabrielle Union, said so well,
“We give a lot of others significance in our lives even when they don’t deserve it. It doesn’t matter if they’re family or if you’ve known them forever. If they’re not good for you, they’ve got to go.”
To 10X your success and grab the opportunities in front of you, click here.
See you next week,
Arthur V.
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