3 More Ways to Manage Your Risk and Protect Your Money! (Part 4)
Image sourced by Brooke Cagle @brookecagle
In Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 of this series, we identified 36 everyday risks and how to manage your risk and protect your money.
Just before Thanksgiving, I traveled into New York City for some business meetings. Along the way, I identified a few more risks to be mindful of. . . and how to protect yourself and your money yet again.
As I was walking down Lexington Avenue on the sidewalk, I was texting. Texting and walking – multi-tasking if you will. With the light, I crossed the street once or twice. I was almost hit by a food delivery guy on a scooter and another guy on a bicycle.
Bicyclists and scooter drivers are required to follow the traffic laws that automobile and truck drivers follow. But that doesn’t mean they follow the traffic laws. Apparently in New York City and maybe other places too, some folks ignore the laws.
Don’t text and walk.
Look both ways before crossing the street.
Stand on the sidewalk until the light tells you can walk across the street.
Stay in the crosswalk.
Be aware and ‘awake’ when you’re walking on the sidewalk.
In New York City and probably other cities too, many commercial buildings have a driveway and possibly a garage. Delivery trucks pull in to deliver supplies. That means they have to pull into the driveway and pull out.
On a prior trip to New York City, I was yapping on my cell phone, happily ambling along, On the Sidewalk.
A delivery truck was backing out of the garage and driveway. While I heard the beeping, needless to say I ignored it! Thankfully, another pedestrian stopped me in my tracks, with just a few feet to spare.
As your parents probably used to say, “Look both ways before you cross the street.”
Keep your automobile gas tank full and your EV or Hybrid Vehicle charged.
During Hurricane Sandy, I ignored the warnings about gasoline shortages. I nearly ran out of gas.
With today’s more volatile weather patterns, having the capability to jump in your car and hit the road is a sound idea.
Tank up regularly. Charge up regularly.
When you implement these tips and make them a habit, you increase the likelihood you will protect yourself and your money tenfold – 10X! These techniques and tactics provide sound risk management.
Very inexpensive protection.
Give it a whirl. And let us know how it goes.
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See you next week.
Arthur V.
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