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The Midwest Book Review
“Save Money on Groceries book offers the ultimate solution to help you save big on your grocery bill without compromising on quality or nutrition. This comprehensive guide is guaranteed to revolutionize your shopping experience. Throughout these pages, you will find ways to save thousands of dollars on groceries each year.”
Dr. Tina Koopersmith
“Save Money on Groceries is a winner in a crowded category. Author Arthur VanDam delivers over 300 practical money-saving tips, tactics and strategies which will help you save bank every week. He's deciphered the grocery store maze and cat and mouse game the supermarkets and consumer goods companies play. And he shows you how to win. Easy to read, easy to implement. You'll be glad you added this book to your personal library. You'll also discover four handy grocery shopping lists you can access with one click. Get started today.”
Bobbi Rebell
“Just when we needed it – great solutions for what we all need most – to save money at the grocery store! Excellent resource.”
Author: Launching Financial Grownups: Live Your Richest Life by Helping Your (Almost) Adult Kids Become Everyday Money Smart”